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Stop Motion Classes Online

Monday - Friday, June 8-12, 2020, 4:00 pm

Ages 8 & up, $35

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Learn stop motion animation with Rand Whipple.

Gather your Legos, clay or whatever you'd like to bring to life, wrangle a smartphone or iOs device and let's get going.


In this class, you'll learn how to frame your camera, create sets and characters, film fluid animation, 'phrase' your movement and polish it all off with sounds, titles and credits.


Each class begins with an intro to a stop motion skill and process and continues with a work and help session. Students will have a challenge to complete between classes.  All completed films will be posted to Box Of Light's website. This class runs for 1 hour.

Required for this class: a smart phone or device with Stop Motion Studio Pro ($4.99 on Apple or Android stores).

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You'll also get an online tour of the Box Of Light studio and an introduction to building realistic sets and characters, using a green screen for your animation and more. 


Large pic: haunted house for Box Of Light's current project. And what are those trees, stone posts and paving stones made of? (You'll find out in class.)

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Field Green Screen clup.HEIC

Large pic: field set and green screen. Inset pic: what it looks lie in your film.


Large pic; materials for stop motion: paints, clay, silicone, fake hair, puppet eyes and more.

Inset pic: a clay character head in her silicone mold.

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This class is supported by Box Of Light's online tutorials.


You can still  review and learn after the online class has ended!

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